Thursday, September 7, 2023

Blog Post #1

My Top Five Sources for News and Information 

Social Media

In the past decade, social media has completely taken over as a source of news for a younger audience. I myself have read about countless pressing issues that news outlets have not or refused to air or put out to the public on apps like TikTok, Instagram, and even Snapchat. From watching or reading things that are entertaining to me that I choose to follow or are created by my algorithm for me, I come across something that I do not see in the news, like severe issues in foreign countries or new strains of COVID-19. I don’t look for news on social media, but how it is presented is more appealing to myself and my generation. I would recommend this because having news be presented in different ways is an easy way to notify those who aren’t checking regular news outlets. 

Fox News

Growing up and still to this day, when I am back home, I watch the news every morning with my father, and Fox News has been a constant in my household. The main things I gather from it are mainly politics, but it varies from good and bad things going on in the United States to a global scale. The political side of the news is conservative but touches base with all political parties. Overall, this news source is how I get news from my television. I would recommend this for conservative and political news. 

Family and Friends 

I typically don’t look at the news unless it's right in front of me or a significant event is occurring, like the presidential election. Through my family, I usually get information about politics that I might not understand fully, and they are able to explain it to me so I can grasp it better. I also will hear news from them about things happening at home in my state or town. From my friends, I’ll get news about different people in my life, celebrities, events at school, work, etc. When it comes to hearing things from my friends, it’s usually news that’s more towards the interests of my generation. I recommend getting news this way because you can talk about your thoughts about what you’re being told. 


Another thing that was very present. Every single day of my life growing up was the newspaper. My father read the newspaper every morning; on Sundays, I read it with my mother and him. This is something that I only do when I’m back home in Maryland, and I read the Towson Times or The Baltimore Sun. This is where I will get a plethora of news about my town, surrounding towns, and statewide issues or events. I liked this form of news because it’s very comforting and calm to sit there and flip through the newspaper. Being able to look at the comics, news in sports, the weather forecast, etc. I would recommend this for news that is closer to where you are.


I typically use this new site for school. I myself have only ever used CNN through their online website for more major worldwide events. In school, whenever I would need to look for significant events going on in different countries, this is my go-to source for news. When I was talking Spanish throughout high school and college, I used CNN en Español multiple days a week. It gave a large amount of information on Spanish-speaking countries. I would recommend it for those taking Spanish classes and multinational news. 


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